
Old Time S.E.O. - let’s pretend … a little role play.

You’re a mid-sized enterprise making top-end woollen jackets – you’re delighted to have discovered your first export market. Margins are tight; under pressure from rising utilities, wage costs and foreign competition. Sound vaguely familiar?

“ It’s 1973 and Ted Heath’s grappling with a country unsure of it’s role in Europe.

So, this export thing’s a big deal to you. You’ve a potential partner in an agent in Washington DC who has sent you a four page letter setting out his usual trading terms and some general information. To be honest, you’ve only ever sold into England, Scotland and Germany and this might as well be written in ancient Greek. The letter arrived yesterday; it’s got that lovely red and blue margin that all air mail letters have.

How are you going to check out your own trade deal?

If you’re lucky you can afford legal advice; if the local solicitor stretches that far. Which he doesn’t. The local chamber of trade’s worse than useless; export to them means top end lager. Resigned to a slogging away at some research you take yourself off to the local reference library. It takes a whole day out of your working week.

Now - relax.

You can let your imagination back to 2019 and we’ve got search engines. We’ve become accustomed to having whatever information we want at out finger tips. But the challenge is to make sure your information is there when someone else reaches for their search engine of choice. That’s where S.E.O. becomes your trading weapon of choice. Graphic Identity are both fully trained and up to date with current S.E.O. and we’re committed to staying that way.

Here’s a few key points we’d be looking at for you:-

Organic search results are always in a state of flux. They need constantly to be under review and your approach to S.E.O. monitored.

The best return on your web investment is for your pages to contain high-quality, relevant information relevant to the searcher’s query.

Google's algorithm determines relevance by “crawling” your website’s content and assessing if the content is relevant to what the searcher is looking for, Google determines “quality” using many parameters but a site's link profile - the number and quality of other websites that link to a page and site as a whole - is among the most important. This is relatively easy to achieve for larger companies with an established site and history.

Smaller enterprises need to remember that SEO is not just about volume. You need to understand what is relevant to people that will be searching for your kind of business – then it’s time to look at strategies that will give you an advantage. These might be: keywords, backlinks from other sites, premium content, precise URLs, early use of target keywords.

Get in touch with us to see how we can take this forward for you?

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